
<< Avenger and Viper slow their 'Mechs and cautiously approach the burning Mad Cat. "Hey Panther," says Viper, unable to resist the opportunity, "didja miss us?"

Panther ignores her and watches the flames for a moment before flipping back his targeting sight. He keys his microphone. "Commander," he says, "reporting Charlie Zone all clear."

In the dropship, Harrison barely hears the message over the applause and cheering. It sounds as if the whole ship knows what's happened. He smiles. "Nice shooting team."


He turns at the sound of his name. Colonel Reese has moved forward to just a few meters away. He can barely hear her. They both know no one else can. "Excellent job."

Harrison nods, returns the slight smile and instantly the Colonel is all business again. "Now cinch up tight soldiers!" She barks to get everyone back to their stations. "We're comin' in hard!"

Harrison turns back to his console, to his people. Hardcase's life signs monitor is stable and shows that the escape pod is on the ground. He'll get picked up as soon as they were on the ground too. "MechWarriors," he says to his lance, "you should have visual on us. Form up and look sharp. We have an invasion to go to."


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Last updated on April 07, 1998